The way of Intelligent practices…
Intelligent practice is developing intelligent habits within Tai Chi, Qigong and all internal practices.
To learn we need correct information and a systematic approach.
Seek help & feedback from skilled practitioners who are capable and willing to explain and demonstrate.
Make your own practice interesting, intriguing, stimulating so that it maintains your curiosity.
Develop intention, awareness, structure and perseverance.
Listen to your own internal feedback.
Babies are the most experimental spontaneous self motivating example. We learn from getting processes wrong.
Foster self encouragement, focus on the process, not the result.
Focus on what to do rather than what not to do.
See Errors as an opportunity to learn versus a mistake to be threatened by.
Feedback is not criticism.
Not about rewards or punishment.
Not about external motivation.
Strategic self praising, encourage yourself, be realistic.
Be very clear that you understand what to practice, and know when you have achieved that particular aspect.
Know & accept there is always much, much more to learn than is visible at every stage.
Concentrate on one aspect at a time, don’t try to do every thing at once.
Small achievable steps & goals, break everything down into small understandable steps.
Concentrate on one thing of each aspect ; break steps down into smaller and smaller components.
Sequential learning big to small, outer to inner.
Use imagery, kinesics, visualisations.
Break up the familiar – thinking we already knows something prevents us seeing something new each time.
Desire to automate vs. desire for fresh experience. Beginners mind.
How do we know when we know something?
Balance between repetition and keeping it fresh.
Speed: varying speed finds different aspects , fast, natural, or slow.
Slow allows time for internal awareness of more subtle processes.
Both develop habits and break down habits.
Explore how you generate questions about your own practice.
Exaggerate the errors, physically and emotionally, rigid pelvis, closed chest, collapsed knee, pushing, being defensive, being right, and knowing.
Explore the difference between copying and making it your own.
Explore the fundamentals, the basics, the building blocks.
Ask questions, read books, read related materials like anatomy books, videos, learn how the body works, how forces more & work in the body, how the mind works.
Video yourself, use a mirror to see if you are correct close eyes open check result, ask for feedback.
Be clear what to practice at each stage, understanding constantly changes.
Revisit previous understandings from the deepest level you can find.
Be aware of your strengths and limitations, employ your preferred learning methods, thinking patterns and strategies.
Emotionally, know how you habitually support or sabotage your own best efforts.
Get together with those who inspire you.
In all learning , take time to access your deepest, most settled mind state, to help you be successful.
Bodymind website